Veridiana Zurita Mommy-Daddy-Me

With a particular sense of humour, the performance Mommy - Daddy - Me focuses on how parental relations are reflected in later love relations.

JE 11.12.2014 19:00 - 19:50

After graduating in Communication on the Body Arts (SP -Brazil), Veridiana moved to Europe to study Fine Arts at the Dutch Art Institute and performance research at a.pass in Brussels.

In her work Veridiana researches on the topic of role models and how they shape our identities.

All info and ticketing:

Concept and performance: Veridiana Zurita
Dramaturgy: Bart Van den Eynde
With the support of: a.pass, workspacebrussels
Mommy, Daddy, Me is part of the major artistic research TV-TV by Veridiana Zurita and in collaboration with the artistic research center of a.pass (Brussels/BE), the cultural house Casa do Rio (Amazon/BR), the psychiatric clinic Dr. Guislain (Ghent/BE) and workspacebrussels (Brussels/BE).
More info:

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