Rodrigo Sobarzo NE†WORKS
performance, installation
FR 18.12.2015 21:00
SA 19.12.2015 21:00

Rodrigo Sobarzo studied choreography at SNDO in Amsterdam, theatre at Universidad de Chile in Santiago and was a resident at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht. In his work he develops a unique language between physical performance and visual arts.
His current creation Ne†works takes as departure point the demise of our classical notions of physical ecosystems, and the homelessness this new digital-arena brings. Ne†works is an experiential capsule where we visually reflect upon different states of matter and its natural cycles. During this particular work in progress on Working Title Situation #03, Rodrigo will attempt to choreograph flies with technological means such as UV-lights. Out of this composition a newborn insect/technology will be conceived, proposing a combination of both material and conceptual elements: the natural and the virtual, the animate and the inanimate.

50’ // Zilveren zaal // No language

Concept: Rodrigo Sobarzo
Performance & development: Diego Olea, Rodrigo Sobarzo
Production: Het Veemtheater (Amsterdam)
Coproduction: workspacebrussels (Brussels), Life Long Burning / the Culture Programme of the EU
Thanks to: Kaaitheater (Brussels), Beursschouwburg (Brussels)

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