Pieter Beck Reading group on on stereotypes and flirting

Stereotypes are in our body, in our emotions, and in our thoughts.

WE 29.03.2017 18:00 - 20:00

Such stereotypes inform our interactions with others. During this third session focused on “prejudice,” sociologist Pieter Beck will lead us in both short exercises and discussion to explore “naughty theses” such as:

    “Men always flirt to get someone in their bed.”                                                                                              
    “Women always flirt to get someone in a relationship.”   
    “Women don’t like one-night stands.”
    “Don’t grab someone by the ass, unless you ask first.”
    “He’s a stud. She’s a slut.”     

Rather than taking positions for or against, the “naughty theses” are meant to prompt thoughts about our own stereotypes surrounding flirting. Hopefully, we will discover that this thesis is neither right nor wrong, but that reality is much more fluid, much more smeary (no pun intended) then routine stereotypes. The discussion will be fed by some interesting video snippets and interesting texts.

BIO Pieter Beck
A human by nature, Beck is a sociologist by education, an improviser by playing, and a curser by heart. He performs with improve troupes in Ghent, Antwerp, and abroad. He teaches improve workshops, and explores recurring themes such as playfulness/failing, romance/intimacy/vulnerability, and playing as clowns (the inert animals that we are). Beck primarily focuses on group dynamics, group connection, and safety in playing together. Additionally, he has heavily researched flirting. Some would say he’s a professional flirt specialist (but don’t tell him that), while others see him as a flirt specialist.

EN spoken

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