The SNAP! Festival (Sex Workers Narratives Arts & Politics) and the Brussels Porn Film Festival BxlPFF are coming back for a joint edition! 

market, performance, conversations
5 MAY — 6 MAY 2023

The SNAP! festival is dedicated to the discourse and representations created by sex workers operating in various sectors, from multiple gender and sexual perspectives. The Bxl PFF is a festival dedicated to alternative pornographies, meaning any sexually explicit representation that seeks to unfold the diversity of fantasies, bodies, and practices, in a dynamic of cinematographic and political exploration.

Why this collaboration? Individuals who are marginalized due to their erotic identities, gender, race, class, or bodily characteristics find in the production of sexually explicit content a powerful space for expression and reappropriation. Sex workers, who are longstanding pillars of the pornographic industry and social outcasts, occupy a crucial place in debates on these complex issues. Therefore, a collaboration between the BxlPFF and the SNAP! Festival seemed obvious!


Programme at Beursschouwburg

Matthieu Hocquemiller
Fri 05/05/2023 19:30
Gouden Zaal
45 min - FR with EN subtitles
>> tickets (presale sold out)
>> last tickets at the door at 18:30

Pierre is young and attractive. He works as a porn performer and uses his sexuality as a commercial tool. In contrast, Patrice is an older man who is now retired but who previously commercialized his knowledge as an ethicist, trainer, and philosopher. Pierre sought out Patrice's counsel due to his struggles with existential questions and a desire for guidance on how to navigate his relationship with the world during these difficult times. Meanwhile, Patrice yearns for intimate and affectionate moments with a young and handsome man. The two men liken their relationship to that of the philosopher Socrates and his youthful disciple and lover Alcibiades, believing that ethics is a collaborative endeavor between a younger and older man.

Production: Cie acps - Co-production: Klap/Maison pour la Danse de Marseille, Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier - Choreography and design: Matthieu Hocquemiller
Starring: Patrice Desmons et Pierre Emö - Text: Matthieu Hocquemiller, Patrice Desmons, and Pierre Emö - Filming and Video Direction: Magali Laroche - Music : Benjamin Collier - Lights: Abigail Fowler - Administration: Scopie - with the help of DRAC Occitanie -Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Région Occitanie, Ville de Montpellier.

Whores are Beautiful
Sat 06/05/2023 20:00
>> tickets (presale sold out)
>> last tickets at the door at 19:00

PERFS PUTES nights are characteristic events of SNAP. They aim to provide a space for sex workers to experiment with direct public expression, whether they are beginners or experienced performers. Most of the performances presented at this event will be shown for the first time, with their fragility and sincerity, and their potential to transform imaginaries. Because the prevailing narratives about sex work are still largely confined to invisibility or stereotype, melodrama or excitement, about fifteen sex workers take the stage tonight to expose their stories and bodies in action. The open doors are complex, funny, poetic, and moving. Of course. We will not stop saying it: sex workers are precious, their life choices are bold and courageous. Whores are beautiful.

With: Butchibou, Tischa The Tigress, Kami Million, Romy Alizée, noixdekadjou, L’Albatrice, Klou & Cata, Lise Facette & Béton Mouillé, Malena, Tehamour et Lucy Kata. Présenté par King Baxter.
find out more

Pay what you can: it is up to you to determine the rate that you can pay!

To allow for broader access to the festival, we have implemented a "Pay what you can" system. What does this mean? Each event has 4 different pricing options, giving you the opportunity to choose the one that best suits your budget. Are you financially comfortable? Would you like to support us? You can choose a rate that contributes to financing the festival and making the rates more affordable for those who are less fortunate! For precarious sex workers, a number of tickets are covered by UTSOPI.

Supporting rate for the festival: €15 
Recommended rate: €10 
Reduced Pay what you can rate: €8 
Ticket for precarious sex workers: €0

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