Vera Tussing Sound Bed
FR 15.06.2012 18:00 - 22:00
SA 16.06.2012 18:00 - 22:00

A lone audience member lies down on a platform.
They close their eyes.
Speakers are gently placed at their head and feet.
A soundscape, suggesting cinematic narratives begins playing.
As the piece plays, performers move the platform, and the speakers through the space.
The audience member is completely passive as they are moved, passing through different ‘sound rooms’, becoming part of the dance that is unfolding.
The movement of the dancers and speakers act as a mode of live sound mixing, physicalising the machinery of special effects. Sound Bed explores in a live performance, a version of the narrative, temporal and spatial leaps available to cinematic editing.
Participating in Sound Bed is a twin experience; the audience observing the piece are guided through a deconstruction of cinematic techniques, while for the audience member at the centre of the installation the visual construct is hidden so that the acoustic presences invite a more emotive,less analytical, response.

Sound Bed is a work in progress and a side Project of You ‘Aint Heard Nothing Yet.

Concept/Sound Vera Tussing
Sound Designers Emanuele Costantini AMPS (Sound Bed # 1) 
, Benoit Pele (Sound Bed # 2)
Performers Vera Tussing, Ann Pidcock, Juli Lányi
Foley Artist Alex Robinson
Sound Engineer Robin Jonsson
Sound Consultant Mike Picknett
Graphic Design/Pictures Alessandra Rocchetti
Illustration at Bloomberg Space Julia Kalache
Sound Bed Construction Dorus Daneels
Copy Writing Js Rafaeli
Scouting Raw Sounds: Emanuele Costantini, Vera Tussing, JS Rafaeli, Ann Pidcock, Henry Garrett

Vera Tussing Projects are supported by STUK Leuven, workspacebrussels, Monty (BE), The Place (UK), Bloomberg, Pact Zollverein (DE), wp Zimmer (BE), DeVIR/CAPa Faro (Portugal) Supported by de Vlaamse Gemeenschap

see also