The Kitchen Table

Unlimited Cooking

FR 30.11.2012 17:00
FR 30.11.2012 18:00
SA 01.12.2012 12:00
SA 01.12.2012 13:00
SA 01.12.2012 14:00
SA 01.12.2012 17:00
SA 01.12.2012 18:00
SA 01.12.2012 19:00
SU 02.12.2012 12:00
SU 02.12.2012 13:00
SU 02.12.2012 14:00

The Table Kitchen is a specially designed unit where you take your place in line and from where dishes are served by diverse ex-residents of ‘t Klein Kasteeltje (The Little Castle). To mark the 10th anniversary of Globe Aroma, our chefs from Georgia, Afghanistan, Morocco, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Iran prepare their tastiest dishes. You can sit together with the current residents of The Little Castle and take in the various languages, colours and aromas offered by this unique unbounded artistic and culinary experience.

friday 30 november 17:00 – 18:00
saturday 1 december 12:00 - 14:00 > 17:00 > 19:00
sunday 2 december 12:00 – 14:00

The Table Kitchen is a Globe Aroma and Time Circus project under the direction of Ernst Maréchal.

see also