A poetic, political, diary-esque portrait of the Belgian capital.
Made by Dutch artist Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide) during her residency at the WIELS Contemporary Art Center in the spring of 2016. Her residency coincided with the terrorist attacks in Brussels on 22 March and the Brits voting to leave the European Union on 23 June.
Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide), born in South Korea, grew up in the Netherlands. For her as for many other citizens, the question of belonging and identity started to arise in a climate of growing racism and xenophobia. While living in the city and interacting with a lost cat, lesbian vanguards, refugees, a new born baby, people from the neighborhood, friends and meeting a new lover, she questions post-colonial, modernist and nationalist concepts in the face of bigger, global realities clashing.
NL spoken
EN subtitles
HD/DCP, 30-40 min. Experimental film, colour, sound.
Thanks to AFK en Mondriaan Fonds