Núria Guiu Sagarra Likes
WE 31.10.2018 19:00 - 20:00
WE 31.10.2018 22:00 - 23:00

Likes starts from two of the most popular Youtube phenomena, marked by their amounts of ‘likes’. The first one, cover dances, are choreographies created on popular songs in order to let millions of people cover and re-post their personal interpretation of the choreographies on social media. The other very popular internet phenomenon is yoga. Internet has facilitated the rise of endless new hybrid forms of yoga: yogalates, yogavoga, yogadance, yogabeer, yogagoat, yoganude, yogarave…

Choreographer Núria Guiu Sagarra approaches these internet hits from a socio-anthropological perspective with a speech about the social value of a ‘like’ in our digital societies. Knowing a ‘like’ is not only an approval of someone’s content, but also an economical and prestigious tool, what is thus the relation between a ‘like’ and the dancing or practicing body? When we talk about ‘likes’, are we talking just about pressing a button on the internet? Or we are also talking about the way we look, we read and understand the other?

Núria Guiu Sagarra is a choreographer and dancer based in Barcelona. As a choreographer she is interested through her anthropology studies on physical practices in relation to digital culture.


direction, choreography & performer: Núria Guiu Sagarra, artistic assistance: Esther Freixa & Sónia Gómez, costumes advicer: Nestor Reina, photo & video: Alice Brazzit, light design & music: Núria Guiu Sagarra (Byetone, William Basinski, Mike Posner, Ed Sheeran), project in residence at: Cra’p, Konvent.0, Espai Bokashi, La Blanca & Sala Hiroshima de Barcelona

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