...bending ...time

Dear Beursschouwburgers,

Lately, the straight line running through a sentence doesn't seem to offer much room. It's too straight, too rigid, too fraught, too violent. For all that is happening, the overwhelming feelings, the much-needed solidarity, even for nuance – let alone calm...

Can we bend these straight (time)lines, look aside to each other, and think sideways? Aren't past, present and future enmeshed in a web of virtual and material reality? Which are the histories repeating all over again, in a (seemingly) infinite loop?

Let us come together, to break these vicious circles by making other voices heard. Like the voice of Oona Libens' spider. Or the introspective-internet music of Voice Actor. Or the family pop album by the punks of CasseCouilles. Or the sound recordings and narratives longing for liberation of Marah Haj Hussein. Or in our cinema, huddled close together, watching Erika Balsom's collection of films about the feminism(s) of the past, for now, tomorrow and always.

Not all time(lines) last forever.
Come, let's bend them together.

Never straight,
Your B.


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