Manah Depauw King Dom

On account of the artiste falling ill the performance of King Dom is unfortunately unable to go ahead.

SA 11.01.2014 20:30 cancelled

Since we don’t want to send our audience home empty-handed, we’re sending out this last-minute call to the artistic community in Brussels and beyond: what would you like to give our audience? A short performance, video, installation, concert or something else? Send us your suggestion and Beursschouwburg will select a number of projects. Click here for further information.

King Dom is a gothic and grotesque miniature castle were everything is rotten.

The rooms are rotten, the sheets are rotten, the sperm staining the rotten sheets is rotten, and the dreams dreamed in the rotten beds are of course also rotten. In this state of rottenness we can easily imagine that this play is only about existential decay, but actually it's not... King Dom is also a tale about fatherly love...

Don’t ask me as to how Gertrude and Godfriel alone, were able to kill so many people. All I know is that long before the slaughter began, during months of scheming and intrigues, they made sure that everyone in the castle hated each other so much, that the only way out of this pent-up hypocrisy was a proper bloody slaughter.

In English

Text & direction: Manah Depauw

With: Manah Depauw & Lucie Debay
Lightdesign: Raphael Rubbens
Costume Design: An Breugelmans, Manah Depauw

Set design: Raphael Rubbens
, Manah Depauw
Sound Design: Maarten Van Cauwenberghe
Shadow Puppets: Theodora Ramaekers
Production: Margarita Production

Coproduction: Vooruit, Buda, BIT Teatergarasjen, Teater Avant Garden
 & Jan fabre/Troubleyn
Made in: STUK, Vooruit, Buda
 & Jan Fabre/Troubleyn
With the support of: Vlaamse Overheid

see also