Michel Yang, Shelbatra Jashari, Nele Tas, Rens Cools, Soetkin Demey & Andri Søren The Flash Programme
SA 11.01.2014 19:30

On account of the artiste falling ill the performance of King Dom is unfortunately unable to go ahead.

Since we don’t want to send our audience home empty-handed. Tuesday we sent out this last-minute call to the artistic community in Brussels and beyond: what would you like to give our audience? We received many reactions and good ideas on this FLASH CALL, thank you very much!

This ad hoc programme is the result of all the responses:

Continuous programme from 19:30

Michel Yang - A Companion, performance

Shelbatra Jashari - Writing Piece, performance

Nele Tas - Archief van het particuliere wonen, paintings

Rens Cools - videos


Soetkin Demey - INSERT PICTURE HERE, performance (language no problem)


Andri Søren - concert (live electronica)

Afterwards: New Year's Eve Revisited - THE Beursschouwburg New Year's Party with countdown at 23:55!

see also