Follow Me Philippe Beloul

This is the story of a citizen. A man. Two men. A bit like you. A bit like me. A little different. A little bit the same. The story of a double. The last judgement. Postponed. Communicated, written, shouted, on paper.

SA 12.12.2015 20:30
FR 11.12.2015 20:30

Messages destined. Photocopies. For everyone. And for no-one. Drafts, making do. That confuse. Little messages moving through the city. Practices of everyday life. Traces of a life. Remarkable. Thus it is written.

Aftertalk (20’) on Saturday 12/12

FR spoken

Concept & performance: Philippe Beloul (FR/BE)
Artistic assistent: Mariane Cosserat
Production: Helga Duchamps/ duchamps vzw
Coproduction: Beursschouwburg
With the support of: kunstencentrum Buda, kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek

The work of Philippe Beloul is situated within the performing arts field, also exploring other media or other platforms such as live tutorial performances and audio streaming event. He presents his works internationally and continues to develop projects with other artists, both as a collaborator and as a performer.

see also