cinema Black(s) to the Future episode 3

In our tiniest space you can watch films by Caroline Déodat and Josèfa Ntjam for free and without making a reservation.

looped screening, discussion
WE 10.05.2023 13:00 - 17:00
TH 11.05.2023 13:00 - 17:00
FR 12.05.2023 13:00 - 17:00
SA 13.05.2023 14:00 - 20:00
SA 13.05.2023 17:00 collective viewing & discussion

Sous le ciel des fétiches
Caroline Déodat 
France, 2022
16 min

Under The Sky Of Fetishes responds to the complexity of showing the ubiquitous presence of colonial archives. The film reinvests the spectres of a haunting gaze to tell the story of Mauritian sega – a practice of dance and music born during the slavery period within communities of fugitives. How do we project - literally bring out of ourselves - the narrative of the aggressor?  Mixing fiction and ethnography, Under the Sky of the Fetishes sanctifies the power of the projection as a mental as well as intimate enigma to release ghostly and alienated bodies, including our own.

Caroline Déodat is an artist and researcher. She has a doctorate in anthropology from the EHESS and was trained at the École des Beaux-Arts de Lyon in the Art post-graduate programme. Through films and installations, she explores the spectral dimensions of the moving image in a circulation between fiction and experimental ethnography. From her obsessions with processes of archiving and alienation, history and myths of violence, she seeks ways to recompose histories and weave silenced genealogies through the convocation of haunted memories, deferred archives and oral images.

Josèfa Ntjam
France, 2022
18 min

In Dislocations, archival images, family and collective memories connect to their maquisard existence through those "caves where we project destitute histories”. These convergences give birth to other images, other narratives, other archives, histories of struggle, refusal and resistance.

Josèfa Ntjam is an artist, performer and writer whose practice combines sculpture, photomontage, film and sound. Gleaning the raw material of her work from the internet, books on natural sciences and photographic archives, Ntjam uses assemblage – of images, words, sounds, and stories – as a method to deconstruct the grand narratives underlying hegemonic discourses on origin, identity and race. Apparently heterogeneous discourses and iconographies are marshalled together in an effort to re-appropriate History while speculating on not-yet-determined space-times – interstitial worlds where systems of perception and naming of fixed (id)entities no longer operate.

t & B(S)TTF 
in French, with the possibility of translating into English

With the support of the French Embassy in Belgium and the French Institute in the framework of EXTRA, a support programme for French contemporary creation.

see also