SAY HI TO Marjolijn Dijkman

Come meet the artist!

COFFEE & COOKIES, collective viewing
SA 30.04.2022 15:00

We're gathering around a fresh pot of coffee together with Marjolijn Dijkman and Pélagie Gbaguidi and gain perspective into the film Depth of Discharge that we will watch together in the smallest space in Beursschouwburg.

Marjolijn Dijkman "discovered" the world's largest deposit of lithium in Manono, Democratic Republic of Congo, during the collective experimental research project On-Trade-Off. Taking the recent run on lithium as its starting point, the project exposes a wide range of questions surrounding commodities extracted for technological industries and financial speculation.

On-Trade-Off was started by Enough Room for Space and Picha in 2018 and is currently on view at Z33 in Hasselt in the frame of the Charging Myths exhibition.

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