Florentina Holzinger Tanz

Stunt-ballet for the internet age.

FR 13.12.2019 20:30
SA 14.12.2019 20:30

The brand-new performance ‘Tanz’ is a stunt-ballet for the internet age in which nine stuntwomen, dancers and a live camerawoman present Florentina Holzinger’s version departing from the classic ‘La Sylphide’ from 1830. Firmly rooted in the Romantic tradition, where everything revolves around dance and feeling rather than plot, white-clad nymphs dance in the moonlight: these part-human, part-ethereal beings are the Sylphides. They can reproduce but have no soul. For Holzinger this represented the perfect source of inspiration in advancing her research into ‘the female body as a special effects machine’.

Florentina Holzinger is an Austrian performing artist who lives and works between Vienna and Amsterdam. In her work she explores different modes of female representation and calls into question the established norms of female physicality. In doing so she pushes and pulls very consciously on the boundaries between Culture with a capital C and ‘free’ entertainment by merging iconography from art history and classical dance with pop culture and the physical languages of kick boxing, yoga, circus performance and striptease. Her performances are something between dance, ritual and Las Vegas stunt show. Her legendary collaborations with Vincent Riebeek were all performed at Beursschouwburg. Under her own name she created ‘Recovery’ and ‘Apollon Musagète’, the latter of which she performed as part of Beursschouwburg’s The Future is Feminist programme in 2017.

As part of ‘We Love You’, a multidisciplinary programme on love beyond the romantic and the self - sep oct nov dec 2019.


Duration: 2 hours

The show contains explicit scenes of violence and nudity
Performers smoke cigarettes on stage
Stroboscope is used


concept, performance & choreography: Florentina Holzinger, performance by and with: Renée Copraij, Beatrice Cordua, Evelyn Frantti, Lucifire, Annina Machaz, Netti Nüganen, Suzn Pasyon, Laura Stokes, Veronica Thompson, Lydia Darling, video design & live camera: Josefin Arnell, sound design & live sound: Stefan Schneider, light design & technical director: Anne Meeussen, stage design: Nikola Knezevic, stage assistant: Camilla Smolders, technical assistant: Koen Vanneste, dramaturgy: Renée Copraij, Sara Ostertag, coaching: Ghani Minne, Dave Tusk, music coach: Almut Lustig, outside eye: Michele Rizzo, Fernando Belfiore, theory, research: Anne Leon, costume advisor, tailor: Mael Blau, prosthetic, mask: Students of Wigs, Make-up and Special Make-up Effects for Stage and Screen, Theaterakademie August Everding (Munich), Marianne Meinl, stunt support: Haeger Stunt & Wireworks, stunt instructors: Stunt Cloud GmbH (Leo Plank, Phong Giang, Sandra Barger, management: Something Great (Berlin - DE) & DANSCO (Amsterdam - NL), International distribution: Something Great (Berlin - DE), production: Spirit, executive production: Laura Andreß, financial administration: Julia Haas/SMART (Vienna - AT), co-produced by Tanzquartier Wien (Vienna - AT), Spring Festival (Utrecht - NL), Theatre Rotterdam (Rotterdam - NL), Mousonturm (Frankfurt - DE), Arsenic (Lausanne - CH), Münchner Kammerspiele (Munich - DE), Take Me Somewhere Festival (Glasgow - UK), Beursshouwburg (Brussels, BE) deSingel (Antwerp - BE), Sophiensaele (Berlin - DE), Frascati Productions (Amsterdam -NL), Theater im Pumpenhaus (Muenster – DE, supported by O Espaço do Tempo (Montemor-o-Novo), Fondation LUMA (Arles) and De Châtel Award (NL), thanks to CAMPO Gent, ImPulsTanz, Eva Beresin, Stefanie Leitner, Tanz-Archiv MUK Wien, Stimuleringsfonds Creative Industries, Mochi Catering (Vienna), Andres Stirn, funded by Cultural Department of the City of Vienna, Arts and Culture Division of the Federal Chancellery of Austria and Performing Arts Fund NL

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