Maeva Cunci & Dominique Giliot Un Lapin, un rideau

Un Lapin, un rideau takes the concern about the well-being of rabbits as a starting point for an associative trip about magic tricks, a forest and through the cosmos.

SA 25.06.2016 19:00

There will be speeches about rabbits and their dangerousness, about burned and rotten worlds, about trompe l'oeil, about transparency and animals on other planets. There will be first draft dances, teenage bear dances, furtive dances and primitive songs. There will be known horizons and new perspectives. A performance about fragments and how to make a whole out of them that makes sense!

Concept & development Maeva Cunci, Dominique Gilliot
With the support of: workspacebrussels (Brussels), BUDA Arts Centre (Kortrijk), Théâtre de Vanves (Vanves), Honoloulou (Nantes)

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