Vica Pacheco

Canción de cuna para las hojas muertas; lullaby for the dead leaves.

music walk, UCCLE

“I want to compose an ode - in my own way - to autumn. A season with an evident symbology of change and metamorphosis, which we don't have the joy to witness where I come from, and each time impress me. This soundpiece will be made with sounds captured in situ, like the interactions between the beings who live and share their life in the Sonian Forest and the underwater life of the ponds. It will be a meditative soundtrack to go along with the public through this bucolic landscape.” — Vica Pacheco

1. Find your way to the START at Hippodrome Side, Drève des Enfants Noyés, 1180 Uccle
2. Get your charged phone and earphones out.
3. Press play.
4. Follow the route on the map, you can also open the map in a new window click here
5. The project is in a testing-testing-testing phase, so WE <3 FEEDBACK at

Hailing from Oaxaca, Mexico and currently based in Brussels, Vica Pacheco crafts a rich sound world that comes alive in surprising manifold turns. Recurring patterns, like traditional Mexican voice arrangements or influences from Musique Concréte, bear the traces from her travels from her hometown to Mexico City to Villa Arson in Nice, France. It is in her deeply beuatiful combination of these elements with her own seemingly endless array of field recordings and other sound bites, that lies her distinctive musical signature – at least for now: Vica Pacheco’s music also exudes a spirit of permanent change, like a forest throughout the seasons. Her debut record Symplegmata (KRAAK) transposes a continuous exploration of unearthed sound narratives into briefer vignettes that, together, allow for a fully-fleshed mythology to unfurl.

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