Vieze Meisje

Meat stone and plants plants plants / VLEES STEEN EN PLANTEN PLANTEN PLANTEN

music walk, Botanique

“It's time to get off your feet and enjoy a horizontal perspective. Make yourself comfortable at the steep hilly side or at a bench across. Or maybe you want to lean over the railing. Here the fountain showers rainbows when the sun is feeling like it, turtles voguing on the rocks, legs stretched head up kissing the sun. The train tracks rattling beneath them like a sturdy massage on the soundtrack of singing sirens.” — Vieze Meisje

1. Find your way to the START at Koningsstraat, 1210 Brussel / Rue Royale 157, 1210 Bruxelles. note: The Botanique / Kruidtuin is part of the route, you can check the opening hours right here
2. Get your charged phone and earphones out.
3. Press play.
4. Follow the route on the map, you can also open the map in a new window right here
5. The project is in a testing-testing-testing phase, so WE <3 FEEDBACK at

Vieze Meisje is a fangirl/fanboy collaboration between performer and singer Maya Mertens and musician Azertyklavierwerke. She writes idiosyncratic poetry that is at once heartwarmingly honest, hilariously funny and, at times, brutally elegant. He composes acrobatic beats, loops and sounds for a deconstructed dance feast that ends in complete sonoric mayhem. Once you have heard and/or witnessed Vieze Meisje, you are forever part of life’s Vieze Cirkel.

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