Sagat & Simon Halsberghe

Welcome to Brussels' netherworld of data emission.


Dear listener, 


The following sound pieces are made with field recordings of electromagnetic waves that were recorded in the locations you will be visiting. Electricity conductors, subway frequencies, wifi hotspots, fm frequencies, were all captured on the following locations on the map and turned into 12 compositions specially for your ears only. Devoid of their original message, these waves and conductors of electricity now serve a sole purpose; your listening pleasure.

This soundwalk offers a brief retreat into a parallel universe where static signals, hisses, pops, power emissions and just about every smartphone signal around you becomes audible. Welcome to Brussels' netherworld of data emission.

Kind regards,

— Simon and Sagat

PS: The world out there is messy.

1. Find your way to the START at GALERIE HORTA, Rue du Marché Aux Herbes, 1000 Bruxelles
2. Get your charged phone and earphones out.
3. Press play.
4. Follow the route on the map, you can also open the map in a new window click here
5. The project is in a testing-testing-testing phase, so WE <3 FEEDBACK at

From his music studio in the heart of Brussels Simon Halsberghe contemplates the world. His productions are thoughtful and carefully designed constructions that find their way to frenzied raves in industrial warehouses as well as intimate settings or contemporary art spaces. Halsberghe composes, experiments and creates distinct and electrically charged worlds that reveal a broad cultural view, inspired by classical composers, synth scientists, literary authors and the cosmopolitan oxygen of life in Brussels. Halsberghe also composes music for theater, film and fashion houses. After releases on iconic labels like Vlek, he founded BXL Recordings in 2017.

Sagat is an electronic music producer from Brussels, Belgium and co-founder/part of Bepotel Records. He’s released on labels such as Vlek Records and BXL Recordings. Stuck in the Bassroom. Under pressure. Forever shifting and very much alive. The sonic world Sagat conjures up moves the listener into forever unexpected syncopations and melodic elements that seem to tell the story of human flesh being fused with fiber optics.

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