opening week – facing violence

We’ll embrace on the barricades <3

music, performance, expo, conversation, film
25 JAN — 28 JAN 2023

WE 25.01
20:00 Avalanche Kaito + TUVALU (concert)
Incredibly loud Burkina-Brussels meeting.

TH 26.01 
17:00 free opening drinks
17:00 opening expo Black(s) to the Future, Quiet Refusal + beurscafé open
19:00 welcoming speech by Melat Gebeyaw Nigussie, Beursschouwburg's general & artistic director
20:30 Violences, a performance by Léa Drouet > get your ticket
When softness calls to action.

FR 27.01
20:30 Violences, a performance by Léa Drouet > get your ticket
When softness calls to action.
21:45 aftertalk with Maël Galisson, journalist and member of the Groupe d'Information et de Soutien des Immigré-es (2nd floor)
23:00 a night by Montage (nightlife)
A dark night with soft edges.

SA 28.01
15:00 Stand Up, a workshop by Ne Touche Pas A Ma Pote > reserve your spot 
Learn how to react to street harassment.
17:00 ciné-club Black(s) to the Future with Guy Woueté en B(s)TTF
Watching films together and discussing them over hot drinks.
20:30 Sol in the Dark, a film by Mawena Yehouessi > get your ticket
Somewhere between the figure of the rascal and a multi-faced body-fetish-avatar.


cinema — Black(s) to the Future episode 1
expo — Black(s) to the Future, Quiet Refusal

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