Oï Les Ox & Quanta Qualia present Wind-Sorry

Futuristic folk electronica.

concert, free
SA 17.06.2023 22:00

After 10 years of playing classical harp, Aude Van Wyller began experimenting with dreamy poetry and sleek electronics during her master of visual arts at Villa Arson. In the guise of the prophetic Oï les Ox, the French art musician and vocalist presents her own unique sonic fiction, synth-folk, dizzying drum collage, 5G chamber music—a visionary soundtrack for future worlds. Gi-gan-tic vibe.



Quanta Qualia is the artistic intertwining of Belgian dancer/visual artist Siet Phorae(y)maekers, who studied at P.A.R.T.S., and Chilean self-taught musician Tomas Dittborn aka Reverendo 23. They generate their improvisational rituals live with a feedback system between sound and dance; abstract somatic and sonorous gestures that act as sci-fi fillers of space, time, subjects and situations. Where light and objects can become prostheses for mind and body, while garments complete an image in flux. Their art is meant to be lived and embodied, through experimental crafts, alternative lifestyles and meaningful connections/collaborations. Is this folklore from the future?


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