Magic Trip

Turn on, tune in, drop out. On an LSD road trip through America.

music documentary
WE 26.06.2013 22:30

Counting back to the year 1964. Ken Kesey, celebrated author of books such as One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, sets out on an LSD-soaked road trip across America with his marauding group of eccentric friends (the ‘Merry Pranksters’). Neal Cassady – the Beat Generation icon par excellence thanks to his key role in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road – is behind the wheel of their psychedelically painted bus. The documentary minutely reconstructs this mythic ‘magic trip’ through Kesey’s original audio and visual material, providing a unique document of the era.

Alex Gibney & Alison Ellwood, US, 2011, 107'
© De Filmfreak Distributie

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