JAN MARTENS Passing The Bechdel Test

Choreographer Jan Martens gets together with 13 youths (F/X) to examine the status quo of gender diversity and equality in today's world. w/ Pink Screens

WE 14.11.2018 20:30
TH 15.11.2018 20:30

"There are some stories which need to be retold by each generation." - Virginia Woolf (1927)

Thirteen young people crawl into each other's skin, and into that of female authors and personalities of then and now: from Virginia Woolf to Jeanette Winterson to Susan Sontag, Rebecca Solnit and Solange. Text fragments from letters, diaries, lyrics, essays and TED Talks form the framework into which their own biographies are included.

Belgian choreographer and dancer Jan Martens has a preference for popular culture and current themes. In 2016, with The Common People, and by way of blind dates on stage, he asked pertinent questions about privacy and the role of social media. For the first time, he is now well on the map with text and gender diversity. From the standpoint of his choreographic perspective, and together with 13 young F/Xes, he has designed a manifesto for the future.



In English, Dutch & French, subtitled in English, Dutch & French

BY: Jan Martens, WITH: Isabel Braamkolk, Noor Caestecker, A. Claassen, Renée De Coninck, Luna Glowacki, Bente Govaerts, Noor Hollemeersch, Birgit Lesage, Marie Libens, Hannah Peiren, Celina Vercruysse, Yanou Van Dessel, Mirren Vandenberk, ARTISTIC ASSISTANCE: Kimmy Ligtvoet, DRAMATURGY: Peter Anthonissen, ADVICE: Rudi Meulemans, LIGHTING DESIGN: Elke Verachtert, COSTUME DESIGN: Lotte Stek, DISTRIBUTION: Vincent Company, INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION: A Propic / Line Rousseau and Marion Gauvent, THANKS TO: Renée Copraij, Fransien van der Putt, Moos van den Broek, Simone Atangana Bekono and Siska Baeck, PRODUCED BY: fABULEUS & GRIP, CO-PRODUCED BY: tanzhaus nrw


TH 15.11 19:00 - 20:10 (red hall)
- Micha Vanheste, Non-binary - intersex - bisexual)
- Michiel Proost, Rhea (expertise Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality at VUB)
- Lynn Verrydt, Policy Officer on Equality - LGBT and non-discrimination at Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur, Flemish Government)

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