Meggy Rustamova (BE) (dis)Location
TH 28.02.2013 17:00 - 23:00

The video (dis)Location focuses on the dynamic between audience and author, language, interpretation, the duality between reality and fiction, storytelling and visual narration. (dis)Location deals with stories, personal and historical identity, manners of documentation, subtle politics and linguistic variety in narration. The video gives an insight into a personal history without ever loosing sense of the universality. There is a lot of fiction and interpretation in the way reality is perceived and (dis)Location tries to investigate when this occurs, why and how to deal within this context.

Meggy Rustamova, 2013 (dis)Location, single-channel projection, aspect ratio 4:3, 13 minutes with sound. Commissioned by Kaaitheater in the frame of the Performatik Festival 2013

see also