Olivia Rochette & Gerard-Jan Claes Three films selected by
SA 19.01.2013 19:00
From the intimate to the universal

In 2013 we welcome Olivia Rochette and Gerard-Jan Claes as associate Beursschouwburg artistes and take them in tow for a few years within our enterprise. They made their début in 2010 with Because We Are Visual, an immersion in the world of video blogs, YouTube, …

For Private Investigations Rochette and Claes combine a number of films which were important to the unusual approach in their début (which will also be shown).
Perfect Film (Ken Jacobs), Vakantie van de Filmer (Filmmaker’s Holiday) (Johan van der Keuken) and Lettre d’un Cinéaste à Sa Fille (Letter from a Filmmaker to His Daughter) (Eric Pauwels) are cinematographical experiences which prompt reflection on the statute of the image and the nature of filmmaking.

