Sarah Vanagt Divinations

Children sample impressions of these turbulent times with nothing but sticky tape and a magic lantern. w/ Courtisane Festival @ Minard Schouwburg, Ghent

film screening
WE 03.04.2019 20:00 avant-premiere

!!! This film screening will be taking place during the Courtisane Festival at Minard in Ghent.

Children from Brussels, Athens and Sarajevo roll out strips of transparent tape onto the streets where they were raised. When they peel back the tape it is left with an imprint of the city: dust, sand, sweet wrappers, insects, glass, fluff ... An ultra-realistic diary that is brought to life by an old magic lantern. Do all these shapes and images tell us something about the future?

Sarah Vanagt first studied History in Antwerp, Sussex and Groningen before going on to study Film at the National Film and Television School in London. In her documentaries and video installations she reaches out to touch history with the aid of poetry and imagination. Matters such as how we process (traces of) the past, how we visualise it and how we deal with our collective memory become tangible, within reach.

Part of NORMAL SCHNORMAL, a multidisciplinary programme on normality and other deviations.


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