Mekhitar Garabedian

Artist Mekhitar Garabedian will talk about work and oeuvre with curator and critic Pieter Van Bogaert.

debate, meet the artist, talk
WE 07.05.2014 17:15

Mekhitar Garabedian was born in Syria of Armenian origin and is currently living in Belgium. Within his oeuvre he interrogates the formation of the self and the place of the individual in a contemporary world shaped by migration.
Using diverse media he examines how the rupture caused by migration continues to determine the present and how, linked to this, the linguistic realm structures our subjectivity - Je est un autre. Just as his personal diasporic history is layered, Garabedian’s work echoes with a multiplicity of references to literature, music, philosophy and visual arts.

Garabedian was awarded the Ariane de Rotschild Art Prize in 2008. He is currently affiliated with KASK/School of Arts Ghent as a researcher and guest professor Installation and Media art.

Pieter Van Bogaert is a critic and curator. He made exhibitions for institutions as Kunsthal Bergen (Norway), Witte de With (Rotterdam) or Z33 (Hasselt).

In English

Doors: 17:00h
Start: 17:15h

Image: © Mekhitar Garabedian Les Autres
2011, neon, 249.8 cm x 18.2 cm x 5cm
Courtesy of the artist and Albert Baronian Gallery

Interesting article by Pieter Van Bogaert about the work of Mekhitar Garabedian:

see also