Danya Hammoud O.T.

An expressionist jewel of a dance that moves and devastates.

FR 26.10.2018 20:30

double bill w/ Amira Chebli

In 1926 (!!!), Mary Wigman first danced her revolutionary Hexentanz: a woman dancer turned choreographer for the first time. An embodiment of primal urges. Danya Hammoud (LB) reinterprets this expressionist pearl from the perspective of her own experience and context. She is from Lebanon, first studied theatre in Beirut and then dance in Paris. 'Through the dialogue with this Witch Dance, I could question the figure of the witch, and investigate the extreme and marginal condition of the body where contradictory powers are at work: fertility and destruction.' A powerful dance, touching in its simplicity and beauty.

As part of TASHWEESH, a 10-day multidisciplinary festival about feminism in the Middle-East, North Africa and Europe. w/ Goethe-Institut Brüssel

see also