
Drag Kings for performance Antonia Baehr

26 FEB — 15 MAR 2013

*Hello, We are looking for four interpreters for the project "Un après-midi # 17" Version Brussels, Beursschouwburg that will take place in Brussels, Beursschouwburg, on the 22nd of March, 2013, at 8.30 p.m. in the frame of “make up. at Antonia Baehr and Werner Hirsch’s table”.
The score of "Un après-midi" is by Henry Wilt. The performance is presented by Antonia Baehr a.k.a. Werner Hirsch.

Who can apply:

  • Women or persons who have lived as women for some time in their lives.
  • You should have the desire to dress up and pass as a man.
    Preferably, you should be an experienced Drag King, but you can also be one to be born. In which case Drag King Werner Hirsch (alias Antonia Baehr) will be happy to give you birth-help.
  • You should have the desire to get told during 32 minutes of your life what to do, since the piece is not rehearsed but the interpreters hear the instructions over headphones.

The instructions are in English. Very good or excellent English skills are required. It is also helpful to have some practice related to the body, be it language-based (physicians, anatomists, theorists, etc.), or/and practice oriented (dancers, actors, yoga or martial arts practitioners, physiotherapists, etc.). You can be professional or amateur.

If you are interested in doing it, Alexandra Wellensiek from make up productions can send you mail containing further details and answers to your questions (an answer to an often asked question: you don't have to be athletic to do it – but it’s not forbidden either -; you won't have to take your clothes off, and there is no sex on stage).

Time commitment:
About 3-4 hours to discuss clothing, outfit, and learn how to use your mp3-player during the performance, about one hour to make the final decision about clothing together with the other performers.

This means:
One meeting to get to know each other on March 21st, 2013 about 4 hours (between 2- 6pm) to discuss outfit and learn how to use your MP3 player during the performance (22nd March, 8.30 pm).
On the 22nd of March you decide when to arrive for the performance, you will probably need some time for make-up. Werner Hirsch will propose a warm-up for you of ca. 30 min. that you can join if you like to.

200 €.
Individual working contracts will be prepared by Beursschouwburg for both the preparation day and the performance.

Clothing is not provided. Please come with your own male (drag) clothes. The proposition for this version is to be our male colleagues in their daily clothes. If you don’t own male clothes, you could borrow them from your male friends.

With best wishes,
Antonia Baehr (for Henry Wilt) & Alexandra Wellensiek*

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