Lindfors + Abdulkarim We Should All Be Dreaming: Decolonial Dreaming Session vol 4

Radical utopian dreams about a community future.

SA 13.10.2018 19:00

"The possible has been tried and failed. Now it’s time to try the impossible!" - Sun Ra

WE SHOULD ALL BE DREAMING is a series of sessions that focuses on the radical potential of dreaming as a restorative and subversive practice. It comes with a straightforward suggestion: we should all be dreaming radical utopian dreams of common futures. Situating itself somewhere between a gently choreographed gathering, a performance and a lecture the sessions gently invites the participators to spend time together, ask questions together, listen together and dream together.

WSABD is a collaboration between Finnish choreographer Sonya Lindfors and writer and activist Maryan Abdulkarim, who both are interested in radical utopian practices. The world around us is plagued by fear, anger, hate and hopelessness but WSABD attempts strategical deviation – it does not only fight against, react to or reveal the harsh realities of the surrounding but instead works as a platform of soft resistance by making space for communal coexistence. At Beursschouwburg WSABD takes the form of dreaming session.

Sonya Lindfors is a Helsinki based choreographer and artistic director. In all her work Lindfors pursues to shake and challenge existing power structures, penetrate the society and empower the community. She's the winner of Anti Festival international live art prize 2018.

Maryan Abdulkarim is Helsinki based writer and activist. She’s interested in themes relating to freedom. The project is part of the Go-commission series of Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux to support the creation of new works. Go-commission is made possible through the support of the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation.


concept by: Sonya Lindfors and Maryan Abdulkarim, working group: Sonya Lindfors, Maryan Abdulkarim, Roy Boswell, Erno Aaltonen, David Muoz, co-producers: Spring Utrecht festival, Baltic Circle festival, Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux, supported by: Kone Foundation, Arts Promotion Center Finland, Zodiak Center for New Dance, The Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation 

The project is part of the Go-commission series of The Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux to support the creation of new works. Go-commission is made possible through the support of the Jenny and Antti Wihuri foundation.

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