Pol Heyvaert, Kim Noble & Jakob Ampe/CAMPO Wild Life FM

A live radio show about being young today, in Brussels and London.

FR 28.09.2018 20:30
SA 29.09.2018 20:30

What does it feel like to be growing up today, and what are the kinks that haunt a teenager's mind? Is growing up different in London than it is in Brussels? Following its London premiere, a visit to Zürich and passage by way of Ghent, the live radio show WILD LIFE FM is coming to Brussels. 

A five-man team of young musicians from South London, complemented with local talent, present  witty, cheeky and painfully live radio performances. The shows give insight into the intense and often confusing lives of teenagers. What impact does (mostly) sad music have on the budding generation? With original numbers and sound bites from everyday life, it is a coming-of-age story of the upcoming generation.

For the second time, Ghent-based director Pol Heyvaert (CAMPO), British theatre maker and enfant terrible Kim Noble and Jakob Ampe (musician with The Germans) join forces, and together with teens, bridge the distance between Brussels and London.


in English & Dutch spoken, surtitled in Dutch & English surtitles

directed by Pol Heyvaert, devised by Pol Heyvaert, Kim Noble, Jakob Ampe and the cast, musical direction: Jakob Ampe, dramaturgy: Anne Stoffels, production: CAMPO arts centre Gent, Unicorn Theatre London, Norfolk & Norwich Festival, coproduction: Gessnerallee Zürich, thanks to: William Galinsky

original cast (Londen, January 2018): Tynet Adewole, Mikey Arhin-Acquaah, Megan Blair, Justin Campbell, Noah Horne, Malachi Alfred Lecky, Maria Olejnik, Oriana Page & Poppy Read

cast Brussels: Bachana Mikaia 

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