A welcome to Farida Amadou, Loucka Fiagan, Rand Abou-Fakher, Nadjim Bigou-Fathi & Soto Labor. And a big thank you to all!

We launched an open call for associated artists >>

To all the people who responded to the open call, a big thank you! Each and every one of you has come up with inspiring ideas. Another thank you to the external jury members; Joachim Ben Yakoub, Moya Michael & Arne Huysmans for their tremendous contribution to this rich process.

The names of our associate artists for the next two and a half years are now known. We are very much looking forward to working with Farida Amadou, Loucka Fiagan, Rand Abou-Fakher, Nadjim Bigou-Fathi & Soto Labor.

See you after summer!

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