Black History Month at Beursschouwburg

Join BHM events for a month-long celebration of the resilience of the Black community. #bhmassembly

1 MAR — 31 MAR 2022

The year 2022 marks the fifth anniversary of Black History Month in Belgium. After four successful editions, this year’s focus will be on ‘the power of assembly.’ Documenting the different ways Black people in Belgium have gathered together throughout the years and acted in concert to raise awareness, call into question, and explore new ways of thinking, acting, being, creating, exploring, and caring. Coming together for friendship, worship, play, sports, learning, commerce, protest, governing, mourning, healing, or celebration is fundamental. The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 and 2021 and the protests against endemic racism in 2020 have brought new attention to our desire and need to assemble. Groups suddenly coming together in large numbers can be a source of hope. By asserting that we are still existing and taking up space, assembling is an expressive action and a politically significant event, that can happen wordlessly in the course of any gathering. An assembly is not the act of gathering people. An assembly represents the essence of the people who have gathered and the synthesis of their knowledge and commitments.

Instagram: @bhmbelgium 


Programme in partnership with Beursschouwburg:

Thursday March 3rd: 19:00 on ecology – An (Afro)Feminist and Decolonial Approach

Thursday March 3rd: 21:00 Screening of Selina Thompson’s SALT.

Saturday March 5th 16:30: Collective Listening Session - Amelia Umuhire’s Innocent

Saturday March 5th 13:30 reading group - Ideas to Postpone the End of the World, Ailton Krenak

Saturday March 5th 20:30: Short Films Screening - Anthony Nti’s Da Yie + Amelia Umuhire’s Mugabo + Maxime and Audrey Jean-Baptiste’s Écoutez Le Battement de Nos Images

Wednesday March 16th 20:30: Egungun + Eyimofe w/ Recognition

Thursday March 31st: Closing Party 


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