Frederic Rozier: Heritage

Frederic will talk about his passion for heritage and how he translated it into various business initiatives.

VE 11.07.2014 08:30 - 10:00

Frederic Rozier is a well-known authority in Belgium when it comes to design.

As a true design expert, Frederic runs Rozier Gallery / Design 7, the largest vintage gallery in Belgium, and is the organizer and driving force behind the popular vintage design fair DesignMarkt. He is also co-organizer of MDM / March Design Month, an initiative aiming to bring forward the vast potential of Ghent in fashion, textile and design. He has co-founded ArchitectenWoning, a real estate agency focusing on modernist buildings with architectural added value. As a recognized figure in the design world, he often has media appearances related to his expert opinion, including in the new series of the VTM ‘Rijker dan je denkt?’(‘Richer than you think? ‘)

But Frederic is not only passionate for design, he also wants to keep Belgian vintage design alive. Through LOSTNFOUND he brings forgotten design items of modernist Belgian architects back into production, such as the famous BOOMERANG table of Willy Van Der Meeren. Through these pieces, Rozier hopes to bring Belgian design in the spotlight, here in Belgium, as well on the world stage.

At CreativeMornings Brussels, Frederic will talk about his passion for heritage and how he translated it into various business initiatives. He will give us an insight into the defining elements of heritage, his vision for keeping this heritage alive, and the role these iconic objects can play today – with a focus on 20th century Belgian architects and designers.

En Anglais

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