Beursschouwburg wordt humanitaire hub

During the corona lockdown Beursschouwburg transforms into a temporary humanitarian hub. - w/ HOBO, CAW Brussel, Cultureghem & Globe Aroma.

16 NOV 2020 — 29 JAN 2021

From mid April to June 2020 and from mid November 2020 till the end of January 2021, people without a home or shelter could meet at the day centre at Beursschouwburg. 

Watch the report from BRUZZ

Offered with the greatest concern for the health and safety of the visitors as well as the hub’s staff and volunteers:

  • warm and cold drinks, snacks and fruit
  • toilet facilities
  • phone / device charging
  • the use of tablet computers
  • face masks and hygene kits
  • information and contacts

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