It Takes a City

A new biennial festival presenting the new beat of the Brussels' performing arts scene.

performance, festival
8 FEB — 17 FEB

Together with seven other cultural organisations, we showcase the next generation of Brussels performing artists.

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Together with atelier 210, la Balsamine, Charleroi danse / La Raffinerie, Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Kaaitheater, Kunstenwerkplaats and workspacebrussels.

Supported by Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Fédération Wallonie-Brussels, Wallonie-Bruxelles Internationale, Wallonie-Bruxelles Théatre Danse, the City of Brussels, COCOF, the Brussels-Capital Region, HUB & Kunstenpunt.

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