Naomie Klaus

A story of a global disease.

music walk, PARC DE LAEKEN

“The first time I went for a walk in the royal gardens and I arrived in front of the Japanese tower, I wasn't walking in Asia but in the capricious madness of the king who wanted to build a piece of Japan all for himself.” — Naomie Klaus

Naomie Klaus offers us a little tale about the artificial paradises of globalization, a melancholic stroll through the exotic relics of free trade, where appearances matter more than knowledge. Here, geishas eat fries, Europeans confuse Tokyo and Beijing, tribal ceremonies start with drum rolls and everything can be bought – even Covid...

Originally the route was to start from the Chinese Pavilion and lead to the Japanese Tower, but as the latter is only open to the public in the spring, the route will lead to the Heysel Exhibition Center. A new map will be released when the Royal Gardens are open to the public.

1. Find your way to the START at arrêt de tram Araucaria.
2. Get your charged phone and earphones out.
3. Press play.
4. Follow the route on the map, you can also open the map in a new window click here
5. The project is in a testing-testing-testing phase, so WE <3 FEEDBACK at

Naomie Klaus is a French music producer and singer, based in Brussels. Considering herself a failed actress, she constructs her music in the form of stories and micro-sequences in which she has fun performing different characters with her voice. She evokes an otherworldly fairytale for adults, where the princesses one meets are hysterical, armed and badly dressed nymphomaniacs.

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