Male Identities Men-In-Full Journey

What does it mean to be a whole, present and aware man today? by Hugo Mega

online, conversations
WE 07.10.2020 19:00
WE 14.10.2020 19:00
WE 21.10.2020 19:00
WE 28.10.2020 19:00
WE 18.11.2020 19:00
WE 25.11.2020 19:00
WE 02.12.2020 19:00
WE 09.12.2020 19:00

Masculinity is undergoing a reconstruction. Men everywhere are waking up to the reality of not being whole, living to their fullest potential in their lives and in society. Everywhere questions about what masculinity is and can be are emerging and calling men to action.

In this new cycle of circles, we will look at what is fragmenting and has fragmented men. Inspired and supported by feminist thinking, we will look at how virile, patriarchal behaviours impede “wholeness” not just in men but in all gender identities and expressions.

Through a recurring series of men’s circles, we will expand different areas relating to awareness, conscious connection to self, others, and the collective. Each circle focuses on a new theme and offers practical reflective tools to express and support us on this meaningful journey.

So, it’s time for us to meet again, and do the work. In facilitated meetings, we create a safe, intimate space for healing and transformation. Together, we cultivate new manhood where we can freely and fully express vulnerability, embrace sensitivity, celebrate wholeness and encourage each other's growth and achievement.

Our men’s circles are for all who identify as being male. Let us gather, build a community and co-create a new masculinities. Join the circle.

In English

This series is open to people who identify as men. Welcome!

Limited capacity, reserve your spot. On the day of the cirkle you will receive a zoom-link.


As we move forward somethings tend to move backwards. Old patterns kick in, defence mechanisms come up and we do our best to cope with our reality. As this is true to our personal experiences, it is also true in our current collective experience. As more and more restrictions come up, we do our best to understand, adapt and find ways to keep going as we are forced to cope with this reality the best we can. 

Our meetings in person at the Beursschowburg have been canceled due to the latest safety measurements. So our upcoming meetings on Wednesdays will happen on Zoom. As this may sound like another zoom meeting in your already charged screen-time day, we wish to stay active, present and connected. 

Let this be an opportunity for us to strengthen our community and be there for each other. 

Stay connected, join the circle.


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