The prince invites you to his/your parade-of-one, through the streets of this fair city, to reflect on the downs and ups of life.

music walk, SCHAARBEEK

“Each spot is connected to a song, a story, a sound. It's up to you to connect the dots. This musical-genre free, hour-ish long reflection of the downs and ups of life, is ripe with suggested rest spots & a beautiful finish.” — PRINS ZONDER CARNAVAL

1. Find your way to the start.
2. Get your charged phone and earphones out.
3. Press play.
4. Follow the route on the map, you can also open the map in a new window click here
5. The project is in a testing-testing-testing phase, so WE <3 FEEDBACK at

PRINS ZONDER CARNAVAL has been musically active in one form or another since 1988. Born in Arkansas & raised in California, ripened in Washington State & matured here in Brussels. Ongoing projects are Le Ton Mité (since 1998), The Lover BE (since 2006) or his look-alike, Linus Vandewolken (since 2014). All projects collide in this unavoidable acceptance of the present. Pluri-forme & pluridisciplinary the PRINS produces pluri-genre sound stories: from folk to soul, from jazz to doo wop, from thrash to opera, from electro to downright dirty whatever it takes to share the message of the moment.

PRINS ZONDER CARNAVAL is exactly that: elected Prince Carnaval 2020 of Schaerbeek, McCloud 1° had all it took to lead the parade, but the carnaval was cancelled. To date, the Prins has been on diplomatic missions to Molenbeek, St Gilles, Ixelles, Brussels, Sintra, Antwerpen & Rennes. Reflecting the phrase "all dressed up and nowhere to go", most of the time you'll find him at his favorite spots in Schaerbeek where the inspiration of his upcoming 63+ song album comes from (hypothetical release date in 2023).

see also