
Have a sip of nature with the Bolivian Indiana Jones of Brussels.

music walk, TER KAMEREN BOS

“I moved to Brussels in march this year. In spite of the sudden change of a global conflict, we had plenty of time to explore Bxl. One of the first explorations was Bois de la Cambre. A beautiful park full of families, dogs, joggers, bikers and skaters. I think everyone felt the need to have a sip of nature. I could feel it! The soundtrack consists of six parts. The first two give you the introduction of the park, shadows of the giant trees. You will arrive at the lake when the third part appears. Exposed by the skies while hearing the thunder sounds gives me a sense of bravery. The last part of the soundtrack made me want to jog or run to the end of the route. Feel free to do so!” — Susobrino

1. Find your way to the START at Sentier des Cinéraires, 1000 Bruxelles
2. Get your charged phone and earphones out.
3. Press play.
4. Follow the route on the map, you can also open the map in a new window click here
5. The project is in a testing-testing-testing phase, so WE <3 FEEDBACK at

Field Recordings, percussion, electronic spice and acoustic instruments. These are the ingredients chosen to create the perfect Belgian Bolivian. Bart Van Obbergen Pérez aka Susobrino presented his first serene EP “Mapajo” in 2018. An EP fully made of his field recording trip to Bolivia. Since he achieved a double win for the “Champion Sound Beat Battle” and got “Most Promising Artist” at the Red Bull Elektropedia Awards, he has methodically studied Latin-American percussion and rhythm and channeled his findings into the 7 tracks of his first full album “La Hoja de Eucalipto” (Rebel Up! Records). The record reveals a more active and aggressive part of Susobrino and further embodies his musical mission of building bridges between traditional grooves and progressive electronics.

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