Come and explore a virtual reality daydreaming experience.
SA 25.06.2022 17:00 - 22:00
You are not wrong,
I think, you who says my days have been a dream.
Yet I wonder... if my days have been a dream, what have I lost?
Myself? My mind? Look her in the eyes, fill her with meaning.
Take this kiss upon the forehead. And see.
See that all what you see, or feel is a dream.
A dream within a dream.
And we, we stand, amid the chaos.
In a room tormented by bright light we ride ahead.
Forward. O god, we do not understand.
Can u not explain it to us?
Explain where we are going to and what lies ahead?
Tell me can it be true?
This dream, is it so different?
Isn’t it all a, in the end, a dream within a dream?
Nice Arts is an interdisciplinary Brussels-based platform in the making. They are a group of 6 young artists working with digital technology through different mediums, including 3D designs, animations, fashion, video art, theatre, and music. They are looking for ways to build a collective practice, in which all the artforms they individually work with can merge.
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