Reading List Can You Imagine?

Verdiep je in de thema's van ons programma 'Can You Imagine?'.

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Antifascist Futures / Telling Tales

Costanza Spina: Manifeste pour une démocratie déviante. Amours queers face au fascisme (éditions trouble, 2023)

Entrer en pédagogie antiraciste. D'une lutte syndicale à des outils pour l'émancipation (Shed Publishing, 2023)

The Funambulist: Schools of the Revolution. Radical Education and Pedagogies Around the World (No. 49, Sept-Oct 2023)

Hamja Ahsan: Shy Radicals. The Antisystemic Politics of the Militant Introvert (Book Works, 2017)

Collectif Brasa: Textes à lire à voix haute (brook, 2022)


Looking into Anti/Fascism

Ewa Majewska: Feminist Antifascism. Counterpublics of the common (Verso, 2021)

Arundhati Roy: Azadi. Freedom. Fascism. Fiction (Penguin, 2020)

Alyosha Goldstein and Simón Ventura Trujillo (eds.): For Antifascist Futures: Against the Violence of Imperial Crisis (Common Notions, 2022)


Imagining / Dreaming / Speculating

Eden Tinto Collins: Bonne Arrivée ou la Numination (Les presses du réel, 2021)

Joachim Ben Yakoub & Naïma M.: FEU2FÔRET. Un Chant de dignité / A Song of dignity (2024)

Octavia E. Butler: Parable of the Sower (For Walls Eight Windows, 1993) 

Lola Olufemi: Experiments in Imagining Otherwise (Hajar Press, 2022) 

Douce Dibondo: Métacures (blast, 2023)

Saidiya Hartman: Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments. Intimate Histories of Social Upheaval (Serpent’s Tail, 2019) 

Ana Dubljević: The Feminist Pornscapes. On Feminist Dramaturgical Thinking in Dance and Performance Practice (Station Service for contemporary dance, 2021)


Towards Liberation

Ruth Wilson Gilmore: Abolition Geography. Essays Towards Liberation (Verso, 2022)

Sylvia Wynter: On Being Human as Praxis (Duke, 2015)

Ariella Aïsha Azoulay: Potential History. Unlearning Imperialism (Verso, 2019)

Adele E. Clarke and Donna Haraway (eds.): Making Kin Not Population (Prickly Paradim Press, 2018)

Sophie Lewis: Abolish the Family. A Manifesto for Care and Liberation (Verso, 2022)

Akwugo Emejulu: Fugitive Feminism (Silver Press, 2022)

Olivia Laing: Everybody. A Book About Freedom (Picador, 2021)


The power of stories to bring us together

Elif Shafak: How To Stay Sane in an Age of Division (Profile Books, 2020)

Gargi Bhattacharyya: We, The Heartbroken (Hajar Press, 2023)

Beth Pickens: Making Art During Fascism (Co-Conspirator Press, 2018)


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