10 Years Globe Aroma!
30 NOV — 2 DEC 2012
10 years of social-artistic projects in the spotlight

The socio-artistic organization Globe Aroma exists for 10 years now and that has to be celebrated! Since 2002 Globe Aroma has been providing a place to work and meet for undocumented artistes and setting up projects with newcomers.

The three-day weekend festival presents a sampling of completed projects. Thus, once again there is De Tafelkeuken (The Table Kitchen) where you line up at a conveyor belt bringing dishes from all over the world. In addition, there are screenings of the film Home and Away, which portrays homeless people, expats, refugees and adventurers in terms of their most cherished possession. And, of course, there is music, lots of music, … musicians with whom Globe Aroma has been collaborating for the past 10 years mount our stages once again!
