Aurelie Muller, Bhelly Bompolonga, Catherine De Biasio, Diakité Adama, Gnanky Gnakana Haj Shekhmous, Gernas Hussein, Niltas Abdi, Sylla Kaka, Takei Keita Le Mouton et la baleine

Looking for the promised land

SA 01.12.2012 20:00

Since September, musicians from Globe Aroma created the soundtrack of the play Le mouton et la baleine together with Aurelie Muller and Catherine De Biasio. Le Mouton et la Baleine deals with the refugee problem, the search for the Promised Land and does so with very palpable emotion. During this three-day celebration of Globe Aroma these musicians offer you already a sneak preview from the soundtrack live on stage. For the premier of the play you'll have to wait until the 15th of January in théatre Océan Nord.

Text: Ahmed Ghazali
Direction: Jasmina Douieb
Music: Catherine de Biasio, Aurélie Muller
A performance by Cie Entre chiens et loups, in co-production with Atelier 210 and Collectif Théâtre, in residence at Océan Nord, Maison de la culture de Tournai, de l’Eden - Centre culturel Régional de Charleroi, in collaboration with Globe Aroma, the City of Brussels, le Centre des arts scéniques, and la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service du Théâtre.

see also