Amber Vanluffelen Lucky Charms

In the name of sports, the arts and the Cats! Amber Vanluffelen created an altar for the Belgian Cats, who are playing the European Basketball Championship.

16 JUN — 3 JUL 2021

Amber Vanluffelen is a Brussels-based artist whose practice encompasses performance, drawing, film and installation. Drawn from the different realities and communities that she navigates – ballroom culture, basketball, nightlife, anime – the narratives that take shape in her work reflect her eclectic interests and passions.

It was while designing her costume for a performance in 2019 that she first reached out to the Belgian Cats, the national female basketball team. A year later, their collaboration materializes in the form of ‘Lucky Charms’, an attempt to bridge the divide between sports culture and the art world while looking into the dynamics of collaboration and mutuality that constitute the core of a team, a group, a collective.

Before gifting the textile piece designed ‘sur mesure’ for the players, her amulet or portable shrine will be displayed for three weeks in Beursschouwburg, while the team plays the European championship. The sound piece that comes with it, is composed by Mathias MU. To the question Are We There Yet? Amber replies with a touch of magic, a gift, and a pinch of superstition.


June 16 - July 3
Wednesday - Saturday 15:00 - 17:00

FREE GUIDED TOURS with Amber Vanluffelen
In English - Wednesday June 16, 16:00-17:00 - reserve your spot
In Dutch - Saturday June 26, 16:00-17:00 - reserve your spot



After graduating from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp in 2016, Amber Vanluffelen (b. 1991, Brasschaat, Belgium) took on a trajectory in visual and performing arts, and joined the STRTkit residency programme in 2017. Her work was presented at Horst (2020, 2019, 2017); Yart (2019); The Pink House (2018); NICC Antwerp (2018); Greylight Projects (2018); Stems Gallery (2020); Kunsthal Extra City (2017); Middelheim Museum (2015). Her first solo exhibition Winona was presented in 2018 at Forbidden City, Antwerp. She also performed for CONVERSING MOTHERBOARDS (2019).

Image: Courtesy Amber Vanluffelen

Sound piece composed by Matthias MU

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