Black Archive II
4 OCT — 7 OCT 2023
What does it mean to compile a Black archive? Join us for a programme that challenges the cinematic representation of Black bodies, narratives and imaginaries.

What does it mean to think of Blackness as a site of archive and memory?


The second edition of Black Archive features films and discussions that reflect on the logics of extractivism that define the use and misuse of the representation of Black bodies on screen. The programme draws attention to the production and distribution circuits that condition the ways in which audiovisual matter conveys its narratives and a certain understanding of “the cinematic”.


Looking into different modes of envisaging portraiture, time, quotidianity and genealogies in historical and contemporary moving image, Black Archive II takes shape as an invitation to spend time together with each other, with images, sounds and stories that unframe, reframe and distort the cinematic experience as a site of production and reproduction of social reality.


Conceived with Eden Tinto Collins, Stéphane Gérard and Maxime Jean-Baptiste

In collaboration with Cinematek and erg (école de recherche graphique)

With the support of the VGC (Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie)



Check out the programme of the first edition in 2021 >>



image: Annabelle Aventurin, Le Roi n’est pas mon cousin
