Hydrogen Sea In Dreams

SOLD OUT - This bewitching Belgian duo already sparkled in its first recording, Court the Dark (2015). They create a beautiful encounter between the clattering electronics of Pj Seaux and the crystal-clear voice of Birsen Uçar. It pops and it's accessible, as well as mysterious and sensual. 

album release, concert
FR 16.09.2016 22:00 sold out

Hydrogen Sea comes to us in order to introduce their debut album. That it will be dark and dreamy is already evident in the title: In Dreams. The album is produced by Joris Caluwaerts (STUFF.) and Tony Doogan (Mogwaï, Belle and Sebastian). Audri (Tangram Records) will be coming along for support.

21:00 doors
21:30 Audri
22:30 Hydrogen Sea
23:30 Dj Bassvalt et les freres MacAdam


see also