Gisèle Vienne (FR) Jerk

Humor, seksualiteit, geweld, fantasie en werkelijkheid.

TU 07.02.2012 20:30

Gisèle Vienne’s Jerk is a fictional reconstruction of the crimes of an American serial killer. Vienne made it as puppet theatre so as to frame the horror in a performance which, although dark, is also poetical and humorous. Jerk is a synthesis of three previous productions Vienne did with the American author Dennis Cooper.

In English

Creatie: Gisèle Vienne Dramaturgie: Dennis Cooper Licht: Patrick Riou Muziek: Corrupted Stijladvies: Stephen O’Malley Scenografie: Jean-Luc Verna en Gisèle Vienne Marionnetten: Jean-Luc Verna, Gisèle Vienne, Dorothéa Vienne Pollak Met de hulp van: Vidya Gastladon en Jonathan Capdevielle,Créé in samenwerking met Jonathan Capdevielle en Quartz – Scène nationale de Brest Techniek: Nicolas Minssen Regie: Christophe Le Bris

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