A new festival-friend focused on sexuality beyond the norm.

TH 28.09.2023 20:00
TH 28.09.2023 21:30

LE CORPS DU ROI (2019, FR, 60’)
TH 28.09 20:00 
Matthieu Hocquemiller, with Mimi Aun Neko & Mathieu Jedrazak

The King, as we know, has two bodies, a real one and a political one. From a certain point of view, queer theories and lives do not say anything else, the body is always a physical and political construction. In a friendly dialogue, Mathieu Jedrazak, performer and lyric singer, and Mimi Aun Neko, performer, sex worker and Thai political refugee, are playing with this idea and revisiting the representation systems that have crossed and formed them. He and she retrace a queer autobiography and summon historical references ranging from the Ballet Comique de la Reine to Frozen, from the King of Thailand to Ulysse and Circe ́, from the struggles of sex workers to the coronation of Reims. Perhaps, in the end, it is a coronation, by which each one will become King and Queen of an in-progress mutation, or perhaps even a witchcraft ritual to summon Circe, goddess of the emancipated slaves.

10 tickets are offered to sex workers by sending a mail at info@lagarconniereprod.com. Presented in partnership with SNAP! Festival & UTSOPI

GAZE.S (2022, FR, 80’)
TH 28.09 21:30
Marianne Chargois & Romy Alizée

You missed it last year ? Now is your time to catch up with this essential piece on the lives and experience of sex workers. Taking as a starting point the concept of gaze, designating representations of the world from specific vision perspectives, Romy and Marianne deploy a porn and radical manifesto around the definition of a “Sex worker Gaze”. During this reflective journey, autobiographical and performative, they linger on the grey areas that delimit submission to the injunctions and re-appropriations of the dominant norms since their experiences of sex workers.

10 tickets are offered to sex workers by sending a mail at info@lagarconniereprod.com. Presented in partnership with SNAP! Festival & UTSOPI

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