Wedntknwyet Just Imagine

Your host Jimmy Imagine explores the possible futures as well as the pasts of humanity we may have never heard of. w/ Black History Month 

online, videopodcast

Just Imagine is a filmed podcast with live conversations taking place as well as commentaries on recorded conversations with a variety of actors from different fields and mediums. The aim being to nourish an open mind around questions that have long since haunted humanity, to which answers remain just as elusive today as they were then. If any purpose there is to our being on this planet, which is it? Is there something missing in our ways of perceiving and/or engaging with reality and our lives that other cultures had maybe understood before us? Through a thread of often free association images and ideas, guided through with humour by the host, the aim is to demystify these far out matters and retain something concrete and accessible for a wider audience.

Performed by: Elie Loucka Fiagan, Amina Osmanu and Siet Raeymaekers & Tomàs Dittborn from Nonlocal Society Collective, Design and Direction: WDKY, Executive Producer: Castélie Kennedy, Scripting Associate: Castélie Kennedy, Costumes: Oscar Cassamajor, Music: SVDU, Project Advisor: Shari Aku, Legbedje, Anastasia Tchernokondrateko, Video Installation: Oscar Cassamajor, Video Edit: Oscar Cassamajor, Production: Just A Name & Beursschouwburg


Wedntknwyet is an artistic duo composed by Oscar Cassamajor and Loucka Elie Fiagan. They experiment with the medium of performance, merging a wide variety of mediums through a DIY approach. Their work is a blend of surrealism and afrofuturism, approaching such thematics as madness in society, paranormal states, the relations between dreams and reality, technology and hyperrealities as well as hybrid identities. By merging different mediums they tend to construct dense atmospheres where the audience is fully immersed within a spatial, visual and musical experience. Their piece ‘Bluland’ was last played in Arenberg for Wipcoop in November 2019.

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